Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tis the season..

my moms tree is so ugly every year. Who really gets a fake white tree anymore??????

i usually suck at wrappin presents BUT this year i put some time into it. Gold paper, black twine, and celebrity clip outs! holla.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008


So Wednesday was my last final! semester left and I’m done! Me Coco and Maxwell decided to celebrate. Coco got invited to Alana Petersons Lingerie release party in NYC. (and she was able to bring a +2) We arrived at this sick lounge called Sway. The models were cute..they had wigs on haha. Alana also made 250 cupcakes! They were everywhere..and delicious

Anyways, We ended up bar hopping. I got a little to tipsy, left my favorite wristlet at this bar with my ID and camera. So i might not be posting anything until i get that back. wtf. The manager said they have my id but not my wristlet and camera…what a suprise! I’m pissed-i had some pretty sick pics.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Beyonce is the shit. period. I was a hater but she is bad ass! After watching her video i had a change of heart. Wired went to the Today show on Thanksgiving for her performance and she has an ALL GIRL BAND too!