Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fact # 67 Temple University has the most diverse campus in the United States

well folks..its my last official day of college.  I'm graduating!  No more long stupid essays, boring lectures, and shitty administration.   Overall i'd have to say college has been one crazy ride.  I have grown SO much, met so many amazing people, and have accomplished some awesome things.  My freshman year at Rowan was of course the best and unforgettable.  Me,Cyn, and Jer will always be close and i love them to death.  I'm so sorry for leaving you guys.  Transferring was a big decision and i don't regret it but if i had known what i know now I should have probably stayed at Rowan.  Honestly, i dont even know why i transfered?? i was just being a rebel and made a huge deal about it.  My sister is actually graduating college and is going to attend Rowan.  I am so happy for he because she is such a homebody.  She is going to experience so many new things and finally will grow up and realize what shes been missing. College was the best thing to ever happen to me. EVER.

MY NEXT MOVE..I will be moving to Manhattan to pursue a career in the music industry( hopefully that works out)  I will be working at Glassnote Records with one of the most  prominent figures in A&R.  I am also transferring to Lucky strike Manhattan-hopefully i will make lots of money!  I am SO excited because i have dreamed of NYC since i was a little girl.

Freshman>I remember being SOOO shook cuz you dont know anybody.  but you realize everyone is in the same boat as you.  I partied hard  with Cyn, i dont even know how i didnt fail out that year.  Awesome memories
Sophmore>moved into a house with 4 girls--BAAAAD MOVE.  I basically became a total pothead and decided i hated the suburbs.
Junior >Transfered to Temple and didnt meet anybody.  I got into a serious relationship that took over my life and lost touch of myself. Realized the true value of a dollar.
Senior Year> Worked hard. played hard ...and cut out the unwanted.  


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 week notice

its been done. Long overdue

phone call via JAPAN!!!!

Nicky called me yesterday. I havent been that excited in a while!  I wish i was on a 2+ year Japanese Adventure........

>>>>AT LAST. My last week of College. are you kidding me?!?!?!? I'm swamped with work. i'm in waaaaay over my head.  My dad is TRIPPin over my grad tix. and my roommate is still m.i.a

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm going to his album release party at WCL on 4/22.  
people DONT base his music off the song i love college. the kid is actually pretty sick. check out his blog 

Monday, April 6, 2009


KATY PERRY WAS FANTASTIC! We had awesome bar seats and she sang the whole album.

anyways..i just wanna put Philadelphia taxi cabs on blast.  YOU FUCKING SUCK.  a little story if you will----->Today i was feeding myself at noshery on Broad and Cecil b(WATTUP TEMPLE) and i realized that my debit card is missing out of my wallet.  I call my accountant( tyrone wattup,  TDBAnk) to close my account.  I then remembered i must have left my debit at the ATM last night.  I had to get cash because my card "wasn't working"after i swiped twice in the card and the cab driver said it didn't go thru he RUSHED ME to an ATM so he could get his 11 bucks.  COME TO FIND OUT HE CHARGED ME TWICE AND I PAID HIM CASH WITH TIP!!!! what an asshole. he got me!!