Tuesday, January 27, 2009


okay. Someone PLEASE tell this bitch to get a stylist.  She stays wearin the same darth vador/mother theresea cloke to every event.  

had a bad day again..

1. lost a 30 bag of subway tokens
2. lost My headphones
3. got laid off from wired..WTF??!?!
4. i need a new lightbulb in my room 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

move BITCH get out the way!!

Wired 96/5 Ludacrismas show was awesome! I was on stage the whole time when he did his set.  Once again..i must say working at wired is always fun.  Even though the weather sucked and the lines were long everyone got in and it was a great show.  Thanks for all who came!  I met jamie fox (ahhhhh) luda, and the lovely jazmine sullivan!

Monday, January 5, 2009

mcdonalds..really though???

LMAO. if i see his commercial one more time...


this pic sums it all up. New years was one big blur. 

Before the ball dropped-AMAZING
After he ball dropped-WTF worst night ever

seriously..i dont even want to talk about it. lets just say i almost died that night BUT as you all know..IM A SURVIVOR.

this was our view from the apartment though.  Thanks max for letting all of us crash!

i made my own single ladies video thanks to freddy fingazzz and then walked from the hudson river to times square in the freeeezing cold. it was a HIKE!! i just want to apologize to everyone who was in cab # 2(the one that didnt make it to lucky strike manhatten) i was being a bitch. i know i know. what do you expect when you mix champagne and patron though??